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New Year's Wellness Diffuser Blends

New Year's Wellness Diffuser Blends

After another long twelve months, it’s time to look back at everything that happened and changed and wave goodbye as we start a new journey into a new year. We may look back at this year and contemplate whether or not we did everything we could to protect and improve our health and wellness. The new year is a great time to reflect on what we have accomplished in the last year and decide what changes we want to make moving forward. We have all set New Year's resolutions for a variety of different things and experienced different levels of success with keeping them. Why not take this coming New Year as an opportunity to put some extra focus on the health and wellness of ourselves and our families, a resolution that we are sure to stick with. 

Whether we’re looking to enhance our mental, physical, or emotional well-being, many beneficial essential oils can help us stay happy and healthy. When used in aromatherapy, essential oils have many unique properties and some oils have been shown to elevate mood, increase focus, fight congestion, calm the nerves, and a variety of other benefits that make them perfect tools for our wellness kit. Armed with a few powerful essential oils and our favorite home diffuser, we can help keep our families worry-free and well throughout the New Year.

Diffusing Instructions

Add water to your diffuser up to the fill line. Add drops of the essential oil blend. These diffuser blend recipes are formulated for a 200ml ultrasonic diffuser. Adjust the amount according to the size and directions of your diffuser. 


Inhale, Exhale Diffuser Blend

Inhale, Exhale

After a long day out in a world full of unavoidable pollution, allergens, cold weather, and airborne illnesses, we may find ourselves feeling congested and sniffly before we make it back to the sanctuary of our home. The best thing we can do to make a quick return to wellness is to combat those symptoms before we start feeling too under the weather. Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Lemon, and Rosemary essential oils combine to help break up congestion, soothe coughs, and leave us feeling refreshed. Diffusing this powerful and invigorating blend when we’re fighting a respiratory issue can help us breathe easy and allow our bodies to heal. 


Well Rested  Diffuser Blend

Well Rested

A good night's sleep is vitally important for our overall health and mood but it is, unfortunately, something we often sacrifice for the sake of our many responsibilities. To have a solid foundation for wellness in the new year, we need to start with full nights of restful and restorative sleep. Lavender, chamomile, and bergamot essential oils all contain potent calming and sedative properties that help the body and mind to relax and slip into dreamland. We can simply add this blend to our diffusers before bed, and allow the fresh floral sent to usher in a renewing slumber.


Everyday Immune Boost Diffuser Blend

Everyday Immune Boost

We can’t always avoid every single thing that might make us sick and we rely on our body systems to help combat them and keep us feeling great. When we want to help our body protect us from any sort of illness or germs that may come our way, the best thing we can do is give our immune system some extra support. Lemon, sweet orange, cinnamon, and oregano essential oils combine with their antibacterial and antiviral properties to help combat illness and stimulate our immune systems. Adding this blend to our diffuser during times when we feel sickness coming on or we know we have been exposed to bacteria or germs can help us feel protected and stay well.


No Worries Diffuser Blend

No Worries

With hectic lives and obligations pulling our focus and energy in so many directions, it is far too easy to let our mental health suffer. Whether it’s just an emotional slump, a temporary circumstance, or longer-term anxiety or depression, it is important to nurture our mental well-being just as much as our physical health. Lavender, ylang ylang, vetiver, and frankincense essential oils come together to calm our minds and help bring our focus away from negativity and stress. We can diffuse this woodsy floral blend to help deal with symptoms of anxiety and feel like ourselves again.


Get Up and Go Diffuser Blend

Get Up and Go

Staying busy and working towards all of our other goals for the new year means we need to keep a steady, upbeat energy and laser-sharp focus on what needs to be done. When our mental or physical battery starts to run low we may get mentally overloaded and lose our momentum. Grapefruit, lime, and wintergreen essential oils come together to give us that boost of energy and improved concentration we need to get our day back on track. We can diffuse this blend for a mid-day pick me up during a long work week or school exams.


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