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The Essential Oil Company has been importing and distributing quality Essential Oils since 1977. Relationships have been established nearly 30 years with distillers worldwide for consistent dependable quality. We at The Essential Oil Company respect the quality and purity of our product.

Our Essential Oils are never adulterated or diluted in any manner. All of our materials are food grade (where applicable) and adhere to standards as set down in the USP, NF, or BP (U.S. Pharmacopoeia, National Formulary and British Pharmacopoeia).

Most of the Aromatherapy Grade Essential Oils we offer are obtained by steam distillation of fresh herbal materials, both domestic and imported, leaves, stems, roots, seeds, berries, bark, and flowers.

Essential oils are highly concentrated and should always be treated with care and respect. Like the herbal material from which the oils are obtained, Essential Oils should be stored properly. Whenever possible they should be kept in tightly sealed amber colored glass bottles. If amber glass is unavailable they should be stored in tight containers and kept from exposure to sunlight, fluorescent lights and excessive heat.

Always be certain to dilute an Essential Oil before using it in any manner. If any irritation from an oil occurs, discontinue use and consult a reliable source concerning that oil. It is advisable to consult a Naturopath, Chiropractic or Medical Doctor, Aromatherapist or other alternative medical practitioner before attempting a traditional or folk remedy.

Oil of Amyris Amyris balsamifera West Indies
So called West Indies Sandalwood Oil. Not as nice as Mysore Sandalwood Oil. It is from a different botanical source but employed as a replacement for the Mysore in blending.
Oil of Angelica Root & Seed Archangelica officinalis France
Both the root and the seed of Angelica are used as a flavoring and as angelica seed is sweeter than the root.
Oil of Anise Pimpinella anisum Spain ( USP)
Warm, pleasant and sweet. Traditional flavoring material. Thought by some to be an aphrodisiac.  Attracts fish.
Arnica Absolute Arnica montana France
Highly concentrated. Can be used diluted in vegetable oil to make an Arnica oil rub for bruises, sprains and aching muscles. Listed under Exotic Oils.
Atlas Cedarwood Cedrus atlantica Morocco
Wildcrafted. Described as a healing and regenerative oil. It is recommended for the lymph system and cellulite. Effective for oily skin and scalp. Not to be used during pregnancy.
Balsam Peru (Genuine) Myroxylon pereirae South America
Warm vanilla-like fragrance. Very thick, dark brown and slow pouring. At one time, Balsam Peru was used to combat scabies. Excellent fixative for perfumes. Must be diluted. Soluble in alcohol and blends well with most Essential Oils.
Oil of Balsam Peru Myroxylon pereirae Central & South America Similar qualities in fragrance and use to the Genuine. Perhaps easier to work with. Less effective as a fixative.
Oil of Basil (Sweet) Ocimum basilicum Commores
A welcome addition to some perfumes, even more welcome in sauces of all types. Fantastically fragrant.
Oil of Bay Pimento racemosa West Indies 
Said to repel insects. Used to flavor foods and alcoholic beverages. Good addition to spice type colognes and perfumes. Soothes itching.
Benzoin Resinoid Styrax tonkinensis Sumatra
Distilled from Gum Benzoin. Extremely thick and gooey. Use to replace tincture of benzoin. Excellent fixative for perfumery and potpourris.
Oil of Bergamot Citrus bergamia Italy
In very low concentrations, this oil is thought to be soothing to skin irritations. Traditional citrus top note in European perfumes and colognes. A flavoring in Earl Grey tea.
Oil of Black Pepper Piper nigrum Madagascar
Wonderful addition to menís fragrances. Also used to replace ground pepper by large food manufacturers. Energizing.
Calendula Oil Calendula officinalis USA
An infused oil, useful for healing, scarring, bruising, diaper rash. Listed under Vegetable & Infused Oils
Oil of Cajeput Melaleuca leucadendron (Native Tea Tree) Asia
Also known as Tea Tree Oil. Used in liniments, decongestant aids, and insect repellent. Powerful germicide
Oil of Camphor Cinnamomum camphora Japan
An addition to many fragrant medicines and perfumes. Anti-inflammatory and soothing to the skin. Repels insects, effective for bruises
Camphor Gum Crystals China
Can be added to vegetable oil for making camphorated oils for aches, sprains and sore, tired muscles.
Oil of Caraway Seed Carum carvi USA
Oil of Cardamom Elettaria cardamom South & Central America
Wonderful warm fragrance, great for blending in perfumes and as a culinary flavor. Appetite stimulant, aphrodisiac.
Oil of Carrot Seed Daucus carota France 
Steam distilled from the seed. Strong earthy fragrance. Contains carotene, effective for skin irritation. Said to reduce wrinkles. Listed under Exotic Oils.
Oil of Cedarwood Juniperus virginiana (Virginia) USA
Drying when applied to acne eruptions. Pleasant fragrance, blends well and serves as a good fixative in perfumes. Known to repel moths and other insects.
Atlas Cedarwood Cedrus atlantica Morocco
Wildcrafted. Described as a healing and regenerative oil. It is recommended for the lymph system and cellulite. Effective for oily skin and scalp. Not to be used during pregnancy.
Oil of Cedarwood Himalayan Cedrus deodora India
Deodor Cedar is a true cedar. Imparts strong pleasant woody notes.
Oil of Celery Seed Apium graveolens USA
Culinary uses. Traditionally used as a kidney tonic and for fluid retention.
Oil of Chamomile Blue Matricaria chamomilla France
Also know as German chamomile, contains azulene which gives it the blue color. Anti-inflammatory. Listed under Exotic Oils.
Oil of Chamomile Morocco Ormensis mixta Morocco
Soothes sore muscles. Pleasant in the bath. Said to lighten the hair when added to shampoos and rinses. Relaxing to the body, mind and spirit.
Oil of Chamomile Romaine Anthemis nobilis USA
Also known as Roman chamomile. Sweet, fragrant chamomile, lightens hair, relaxant, calming, soothing, muscle rub. Disatilled for The Essential oil Company.
Oil of Cilantro Coriandrum sativum USA
Distilled from the leaves of Coriander. Used primarily as a flavoring for Mexican foods.
Oil of Cinnamon Bark True Cinnamomum zeylanicum Ceylon
Used for blending expensive perfumes. Antiseptic and circulatory stimulant.
Oil of Cinnamon Leaf Cinnamomum zeylanicum Ceylon
Not as sweet as Oil Cinnamon Bark, or Cassia. Flavor is slightly bitter and reminiscent of Oil Clove Bud. Perfect for making soaps, candles, incense and for scenting potpourris. Vermifuge-expels worms.
Oil of Cinnamon (Cassia) Cinnamomum cassia China
Hot, sweet, exotic. An excellent flavoring. Wonderful in oriental type perfumes. Used in dental preparations, and for making cinnamon tooth picks. Used for oily skin and scalp.
Oil of Citronella Cymbopogon nardus Cylon, Java, India, China
A traditional soap scent. Sometimes used in perfumes. Most well known for its ability to repel mosquitoes.
Civet Oil Artificial Synthetic
Civet is an indispensible ingredient in perfumery. Natural Civet is an animal product. Although we do not condone the use of animal products in perfumery, we do recognize the importance of this ingredient. In an olfactory sense, Civet Artificial is aroma-identical to the natural material and easier and kinder to use.
Oil Clary Sage Salvia scalaria USA
Soothing, relaxing and pleasant addition to perfumes. A massage with some Oil Clary mixed into your massage oil is said to impart a feeling of euphoria.
Oil Clove Bud Eugenia caryophylatta Madagascar
Traditional toothache application. Sweeter then Oil Clove Leaf. Used as a flavoring and in perfumery. Keeps moths out of the closet. Great in soaps an potpourris.
Oil Clove Leaf Eugenia caryophylatta Madagascar
Used in candles, soaps and potpourris. Replaces the higher priced Oil Clove Bud in these applications. Not for internal use.
Oil Coriander Coriandrum sativum USA, Canada
Distilled from Coriander seed. Used as a flavoring. 
Oil Cypress Cupressus semervirens Southern Europe
Good addition for perfumes and muscle rubs.
Oil of Dillweed Anethum graveolens USA
Used as a flavoring. Very strong, must be diluted.
Oil of Elemi Canarium luzonicum Philippines
Fresh, spicy woodsy note. Used extensively in soap making.  Used as a base note in perfumes.
Oil of Erigeron Erigeron canadensis USA
The common name for the herb from which this oil is distilled is "Fleabane", need we say more.
Oil of Eucalyptus 80/85 Eucalyptus globulous China High natural eucalyptol content. Used commercially in muscle rubs and decongestion aids. Repels insect pests. Antiseptic. Good solvent for removing adhesives
Oil of Eucalyptus Citriodora Eucalyptus citriodora India
A "citrusy" eucalyptus oil used in perfumes and soaps.
Oil of Fennel (Sweet) Foeniculum vulgare USA
Can be used in a poultice for bruising, or in a compress for sore eyes. Used in some insect repellent blends. Good flavoring.
Oil of Fir Needle Canada Abies balsamea Canada, USA
Traditional "Christmas scent" in the Northeast US. Pleasant aroma used in perfumes, soaps, candles and potpourris
Oil of Fir Needle Siberian Abies siberiensis Siberia
Traditional "Pine Scent". Used in liniments and for making soaps, candles and for scenting sachets and potpourris. A pleasant forest aroma.
Oil of Frankincense- See Olibanum
Oil of Garlic Allium sativum USA, Mexico
Very powerful concentrated aroma. Must be extremely dilute for use.
Gum Camphor Cinnamonum camphora Japan
An addition to many fragrant medicines and perfumes. Some use Gum Camphor during meditation.
Oil of Geranium Egypt Pelargonium graveolens Egypt
Heals wounds, soothes, mild analgesic and sedative. Fresh sweet rosy floral note. Blends well with citrus and basil.
Oil of Ginger Zingiber officinale China
Distilled from ginger root. Hot and sweet. Good addition to "Oriental Type" perfumes. Ginger root has been found to relieve nausea.
Oil of Grapefruit (Pink) Citrus paradisi USA
Pressed from the peel of the Pink Grapefruit. A light citrus note.
Oil of Helichrysum Helichrysum italicum, H. angustifolia. Southern Europe, Corsica, Dalmatia
Used for bruising and sore muscles.  Blends well with Rosehip Seed Oil.
Oil of Hyssop Hyssopus officinale Southern Europe
Use with extreme care.
Oil of Juniper Berry Juniperus communis Europe
Antiseptic. The flavor of gin. Used for urinary tract problems. Good addition to soaps and muscle rubs.
Oil of Lavender Lavandula officinalis France & USA
Soothes burns, eases headaches, sore muscles, herpes and sinus. Wonderful in soaps and candles. Superior 40/42 refers to the high ester content which gives Lavender fragrance.
Oil of Lavandin Lavendula latifolia France
Lavender type fragrance, floral, light, effective replacement for lavender.
Oil of Lemon Citrus limonum USA 
May be an irritant if used undiluted.
Excellent flavoring, fragrance for potpourris, sachets, candles & soaps.
Oil of Lemongrass Cymbopogon citratus Guatemala
A pleasant deodorizer. Good insect repellent.
Oil of Lime Citrus aurantifolia Mexico
From the peel of the Lime.  Excellent room deodorizer.
Oil of Litsea Litsea cubeba Vietnam
Blends well with citrus oils especially lemon. Used as a soap scent. Adds a citrus note coming off the top of your blend.
Oil of Manuka (Leptospermum scoparium) See: Tea Tree New Zealand
Marigold Absolute Tagetes glandulifera or T. minuta France
Used in Africa as a fly and vermin repellent. Earthy floral note. Listed under Exotic Oils.
Oil of Marjoram Origanum majorana Europe
Soothing and calming aroma. Perfect in a relaxation blend. Sweet fragrance.
Menthol Crystals Menthol Brazil, China
A naturally derived menthol from Brazil and China. Perfect in liniment type mixtures. Cooling and pleasant smelling.
Mimosa Absolute Acacia dealbata France
Warm flower like perfume. Soluble in alcohol. Listed under Exotic Oils.
Oil of Mugwort Artemesia vulgaris Morocco
Highly aromatic. Use with extreme caution. Do not take internally. Consult a reliable Aromatherapy text for proper usage.
Oil of Myrrh Commiphora myrrha East Africa
Heavy warm base note. A good fixative.  The ancient Egyptians used Myrrh along with other gums and resins in the process of mummification.
Oil of Neroli (Orange Blossom) Citrus aurantium France
Distilled from the blossoms of the Bitter Orange. Wonderful fragrance. Used for relaxation, in perfumery and as a meditative aid. Listed under Exotic Oils.
Oil of Niaouli Melaleuca qui. viridiflora Australia
Herbal sources say this oil is valuable as an antiseptic. Similar to Cajeput.
Oil of Nutmeg Myristica fragrans East Indies
Stimulating, good flavoring, not to be ingested in large quantities.
Oak Moss Absolute Evernia prunastri
Indispensable to the perfumer. Soluble in alcohol. Having a characteristic musk-lavender odor. An excellent fixative, blending well with a wide range of materials including lavender. It will strengthen and improve a lavender soap scent.
Oil of Olibanum (Frankincense) Boswellia spp. East Africa, Oman
Distilled from Frankincense gum/resin also know as" tears". The exotic fragrance of the Middle East. Great fixative in perfumery. Has both spiritual and medicinal application.
Opopanax Absolute bisabol-myrrha Commiphora erythraea Africa 
Valuable in perfumes as a base note fixative, warm, balsamic exotic, fragrance blends well in oriental types. Harmonizes with myrrh, olibanum, sandalwood, vetiver and patchouli. Listed under Exotic Oils
Oil of Orange (Bitter) Citrus bigaradia West Indies
Warm tangerine like fragrance. Very pleasant in all blends requiring a citrus note. Nice in menís colognes and after-shaves. Used frequently by Naturopathic physicians.
Oil of Orange (Sweet) Citrus aurantium USA
Blends well in oriental type fragrances. Soothing in low concentrations (as in the case with all citrus oils, oil of Sweet Orange may be irritating to the surface of the skin if used undiluted.) Good in soaps, candles, potpourris. Currently being employed as a natural degreaser and hand cleaner. Most citrus oils work well as solvents.
Oil of Oregano Carvocrol Type Origanum vulgare Spain
Stimulating, antiseptic and a great flavoring. Used by some Naturopaths for cases of Candida.
Oil of Palmarosa Cymbopogon martinii Asia
Used in cosmetics and soaps. Used in blending "rose" scent because of its geraniol content.
Oil of Parsley Seed Petroselinum sativum France
Recommended for kidney/bladder, menstrual and menopausal problems. Also used in perfumery.
Oil of Patchouli Pogostemon patchouli East Indies
Sweet, earthy, oriental type. Good fixative in floral perfumes. Good deodorant. Considered by some to be an aphrodisiac. Nice in soaps candles and potpourris.
Oil of Peppermint Mentha piperita USA
Stimulating to a tired brain.  Perfect to take along on camping trips, or to keep in the medicine chest.
Oil of Petitgrain Citrus bigaradia Africa
Distilled from the leaves of the Bitter Orange. Similar to Neroli. Pleasant addition to perfume blends. Both refreshing and uplifting to the spirit.
Pet Perfume
An Essential Oil Co. blend of Eucalyptus, Sweet Orange, Citronella & Cedarwood and other essential oils, to keep pets smelling fresh and pests at bay.
Oil of Pine (White) Pinus strobus USA
Disinfectant. Good in muscle rubs and repels insects.
Rose Attar (Bulgarian) Rosa damascena Bulgaria
Rose Oil. Rose Otto. Distilled from the petals of the Damasc Rose. The Queen of fragrances. Rose is a powerful astringent. Good application for mouth sores. Relaxing. Solidifies in the bottle when the temperature is cold but quickly liquefies when warmed gently. Listed under Exotic Oils.
Oil of Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis Spain
Used in shampoos, thought to enhance the color of dark hair, counters split ends, and reduces static charge. Great in massage oils and in the bath.
Oil of Rue Ruta graveolens Europe
Well known as an insect repellent.
Oil of Sage Salvia officinalis Dalmatia
Great flavoring.
Oil of Sandalwood E.I. Santalum album India, Indonesia
Wonderful pure East Indies oil . Used as a meditative aid, calms the mind, expels bad spirits. Said to be an aphrodisiac. Blends well and serves as a fixative in most perfumes.
Oil of Spearmint Mentha spicata USA
Excellent flavoring. Sweet and fragrant. Said to repel insects.
Styrax Resin Liquidamber styraciflua Turkey
A resin used as a fixative in perfumery.
Oil of Tangerine Citrus palustris USA, Brazil
Used wherever a pleasant citrus scent is required. Said to relax muscles and act as a tonic for the liver.
Oil of Tarragon Artemesia dracunculus USA
Flavoring in vinegar, sauces, liqueur and perfumery.
Oil of Tea Tree Australia Melaleuca alternifolia Australia
An effective antiseptic and anti-fungal.
Oil of Tea Tree New Zealand (Manuka) Leptospermum scoparium New Zealand
As effective if not more so than Australian Tea Tree, with a more pleasant, honey like aroma.
Tolu Balsam Resin Myroxylon balsamum USA
The balsam has a soft sweet hyacinth like note. An excellent fixative soluble in alcohol. Filter out undissolved material for use.
Tolu Absolute Myroxylon balsamum France
Vanilla like, resinous, excellent fixative, indispensable in perfumery, soaps, cosmetics. Expectorant. Listed under Exotic Oils.
Tuberose Absolute Polianthes tuberosa France
Sensuous, heavy, exotic, floral, great in perfume, notes of jasmine. Listed under Exotic Oils.
Vanilla Bourbon Absolute Vanilla planifolia Madagascar
Good enough to eat, sensual, warm, thought to be an aphrodisiac. Listed under Exotic Oils.
Verbena Absolute Lippia citriodora Spain
Heavenly, uplifting, top note, fresh, light, citrus, refreshing.
Oil of Vetivert Vetiveria zizanoides Haiti, East Indies
Distilled from the root of the grass Vetiver. Thought to create harmony in the home. Works well as a fixative in perfumery. Very heavy aroma. Use sparingly.
Violet Leaf Absolute Viola odorata France
A precious oil, up to 1400 kg of violets needed to produce 1kg of concrete which in turn will yield about 38% absolute. Employed in high grade French type perfumery. Note this is the leaf not flower absolute and does not have a traditional violet fragrance. Listed under Exotic Oils
Vitamin E - Mixed Tocopherols Natural Vitamin E tocopherols
A blend of d-alpha, beta, gamma, delta tocopherols. Apply to scar tissue, use for moisturizing, add to lotions and massage oils. Listed under Vegetable and Infused Oils. Natural antioxidant.
Oil of Wintergreen Gaultheria procumbens China
For external use only. Good application for warts and sore muscles. Use in soaps and candles. Must be diluted.
Oil of Wormwood Artemesia absinthium USA
Not intended for internal use. Can be used for muscular aches and pains. Also used in some perfume blends.
Oil of Yarrow Achillea millefolium Great Britain
Organic. High in azulene.
Oil of Ylang Ylang Canangium odoratum Madagascar
The Flower of Flowers. Said to abate anger borne of frustration. Wonderful floral bouquet. Relaxes body, mind and spirit.