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Eucalyptus essential oil  Distilling Eucalyptus leaves for essential oils

Distilling Eucalyptus Citriodora

Eucalyptus Citriodora

Eucalyptus Citriodora leaves and twigs
Eucalyptus Citriodora (E. citriodora) oil is distilled from the leaves and branches of the tree.  Eucalyptus citriodora trees are cultivated on plantations.
Eucalyptus being cloned in the laboratory
Test plots have been established on this Eucalyptus citriodora plantation in Brazil, to determine which trees exhibit the fastest growth, highest essential oil yield and the most favorable chemical composition. 
Eucalyptus clowns are grown to be planted in the field
Promising individuals are identified and cloned to be planted in the field.
Eucalyptus Citriodora plantation
The trees are grown until they are approximately 6" DBH (diameter breast height), and then harvested for the branches and wood.
 Cutting branches from Eucalyptus trees
Branches are cut from the trees, loaded on trucks, destined for the distillery.
Loading Eucalyptus branches on to trucks
Eucalyptus branches are loaded onto trucks
Loading Eucalyptus citriodora branches
The trucks are stacked high destined for the distillery
Machestes are used to cut Eurcalyptus branches from the tree
Sharp machetes are used to cut the branches from the trees
Hard work cutting Eucalyptus branches
The leaves and branches are brought to the distillery, and loaded into the stills, for making the Eucalyptus citriodora essential oil.
Eucalyptus branches are dumped at the distillery.
Eucalyptus Citriodora branches are piled at the distillery
A man inside the retort of the distiller to make certain the leaves and branches are packed tightly
A man inside the retort of the still makes certain the branches and leaves are packed tightly
Boiler at Eucalyptus distillery
This old boiler is a workhorse, producing lots of steam which is required for distillation
Eucalyptus leaves and branches when the still is opened after distillation.
Spent Eucalyptus branches when the still is opened after distillation.
The essencier is uised to separate the essential oil from the hydrosol
The Essencier receives the distillate water from the condenser, where it is then separated to become essential oil and hydrosols.
What about the lumber left over?
The logs that are cut from the trees are cut to size, and are brought to the area where they are turned into charcoal.  The charcoal is then sold on the market for home cooking use.
Eucalyptus logs waiting to be loaded onto trucks
Eucalyptus logs are stacked waiting to be loaded onto trucks
Charcoal ovens for Eucalyptus bolts
Special ovens have been built of clay brick for making charcoal
Eucalyptus wood is stacked and waiting to be loaded into the charcoal ovens
The charcoal ovens are packed tightly for making charcoal
A sealed charcoal oven with wood inside, burning to become charcoal
A sealed charcoal oven.  The flames on the inside have just started to burn, for the slow process of making charcoal from Eucalyptus Citriodora wood
The finished charcoal is bagged to be sold at the market place.
The finished product, headed for the shelf in the local market.  The Eucalyptus citriodora charcoal is used in homes for cooking
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